What can I expect in a hypnosis session?

For the session, you will be seated in a comfortable chair where you will then be guided into a relaxed state, very similar to a guided meditation. Although you will be settled in with eyes closed, you will remain awake while in this state and always aware of what is taking place. You will be able to hear everything around you and are able to move freely if so desired. There is no right way or wrong way for you to go into hypnosis and in fact, even a light stage of hypnosis is enough to create change. In the sessions that follow, each time that you do hypnosis you are able to reach deeper levels, making the changes easier to integrate. Once you have let the conscious mind relax, the subconscious mind then is able to come to the forefront. As a trained hypnotist, I can then offer the direct and indirect suggestions to create the positive changes desired. Unlike some dramatic portrayals of hypnosis in movies, books, or on stage, you will not be unconscious, asleep, or in any way out of control of yourself. You will hear all of the suggestions, but it is up to you to decide whether or not to act on them. Once the session is complete, you are then gently guided back to the conscious state of mind.

What is needed for a hypnosis session to be as successful as it can be?

The most important components for successful hypnosis is a desire to change, a willingness to participate, and a bit of imagination + patience. This is a partnership of sorts and your willingness to do your part is crucial to the outcome. Together, great change can be achieved but it is your choice to have the willingness to do so.

What can hypnosis be used for?

Anxiety Depression Stress Management Illness + Pain management PTSD Self-defeating behaviors Limiting beliefs of self/money/love Emotional + Relationship Trauma Habit Control Sleep Disorders Fears + Phobias Weight management Public Speaking Career Success Sports Performance And many more…. Just ask!

How many sessions are needed for success?

The amount of sessions needed are based upon each individual and their goals. Each person is different and the best way to reach the desired goal is to commit to fully participate in the process. Some people can do this very quickly, whereas others may require more sessions. In our first session together, we will discuss and develop a plan for your success.

Can sessions be done online ?

Absolutely! The more open and willing to participate in the hypnosis process the more successful online hypnotherapy can be. It can be done in the comfort of your own home, preferably in a space where you can have privacy and peace, away from all family pets as they can be a big distraction during the session.

Can I get “stuck” in hypnosis ?

No you cannot get stuck in hypnosis. You will always be guided back to your conscious state of mind and become alert + aware of what had transpired throughout the session. Even those in deep trance will naturally come back to a conscious state with guidance or on their own.